Greek Turkey Burgers

Greek Turkey Burgers

Prepare time: 20 min
Cook: 10 min
Ready in: 30 min
If you want to make homemade burgers, then you can try the recipe below to cook a traditional version of a beef burger. No need to worry about the tastes and the ingredients since they are delicious and very easy to make. This alternative beef burger can provide you a classic, authentic and satisfying taste that you can serve for the whole family.
How to cook Greek Turkey Burgers
Spend only 30 minutes on cooking around 6 portions of Greek Turkey Burgers. By following the ingredients and steps below, you can easily make your version of burgers at home.


·         200 gr of plain Greek yogurt
·         One fresh lemon
·         A pinch minced garlic
·         A pinch dried dill
·         550 gr of ground turkey
·         One red onion
·         150 gr crumbled feta
·         A teaspoon dried oregano
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·         60 gr breadcrumbs
·         A large egg
·         6 buns
·         salt and pepper as the seasoning
For the vegetables:
·         Six halves tomatoes, sun-dried
·         56 gr frozen spinach
·         A medium cucumber


1.      1First, you need to prepare the yogurt sauce to give more time for richer flavors. In a medium bowl, put the yogurt, dill, garlic, a half lemon juice and a pinch of salt. Stir and mix the ingredients until well combined. Then, put it in the refrigerator to blend the flavors while you prepare for the burgers.
2.      2Next, you may prepare the vegetables for the burgers. To start, you can go with the spinach first by thawing the frozen spinach and don’t forget to squeeze the remaining liquid. Next, chop the spinach along with the sun-dried tomatoes and the ¼ part of the red onion as well.
3.      3Then, take another bowl and put the ground turkey with spinach, sun-dried tomatoes, red onion, feta cheese, a pinch of minced garlic, egg, dried oregano, bread crumbs, salt and pepper as the seasoning. Stir and mix the ingredients until thoroughly combined. Here, don’t forget to shape the mixture into six patties.
4.      4To cook the burgers, you can use a counter top-grill or a non-stick skillet or simply cook them over an open flame. After the burgers are well cooked, you can continue to assemble the burgers. Take a bun and spread with yogurt sauce on both sides. Then, put a hot burger on it along with thin slices of red onions and cucumbers.

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