Creamy Broccoli, Chicken and Bacon Pasta

Creamy Broccoli, Chicken and Bacon Pasta

Prepare time: 20 min
Cook: 20 min
Ready in: 45 min
Hello, pasta lovers. Still, cannot far away from pasta? Well, you have to try this type of pasta. This kind of pasta consists of vegetables that have high nutrition for your body. Also, include a high protein that came from the chicken and the bacon. Do not have to be afraid with vegetables; broccoli has delicious taste indeed. Talk about bacon, which person does not like bacon? Everybody loves to eat bacon. Bacon has delicious, fantastic taste; We bet you addict with the bacon meat. Well, grab your lovely apron as soon as possible and get ready to cook this tasty pasta every pasta lovers! Have a nice cook.
How to make creamy broccoli, chicken and bacon pasta
Well, you must be curious towards the ingredients right. You do not have to be a worry about the ingredients because it’s easy to find in the traditional market or modern market. Also, the parts are easy to find and straightforward to cook. You could enjoy your food while watching some drama or share your tasty pasta to the people you love. Well, enjoy your cook everybody


·         One pack of fettucini
·         Two tablespoons of virgin olive oil
·         Four garlic and onion (minced)
font-family: "Droid Serif",serif; font-size: 11.5pt;">1 ½ cup of milk
·         Three cups of shredded parmesan cheese (you could use cheddar)
·         Five tablespoons of salt
·         One tablespoon of black pepper
·         Twelve broccoli
·         Ten slices of bacon, cook it first and crumb it
·         Cooked breast chicken or boneless chicken.


1Take a large pot. Fill it with the water and three tablespoons of salt. Place the pasta in boiling salted water for 10 minutes or follow the directions on the packages.
2While you are waiting for the pasta, now heat olive oil in a large pan over medium heat. Place the garlic and onion into the boiling oil for a minute. Put one cup of milk into the sauté garlic and onion
3Add cheese into the pan. Cook until the cheese melting. For the broccoli, bake broccoli for 5 minutes until al dente. Or, you could use the alternative way which is steam the broccoli over the boiling water.
4The mixture of the milk and cheese, toss it with the pasta. Cook it for 2 minutes. Add the broccoli, bacon and the chicken. Your food served.

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